In almost all areas where Vin Doux Naturel is produced, the vines cultivated in the Gobelet dominate the vineyards. With suitable ground relief, however, the trellis training on the wire frame is also becoming increasingly popular. Gobelet, which is also known as a head or bush form, protects the grapes well from summer heat and cold winds and allows a good homogeneous maturity.

In addition to Gobelet, the AC rules also allow for Eventail and, to some extent, Cordon de Royat. Traditionally only a small amount of mechanization present, whereas meanwhile the use of machines is increasing with greater spacing of the rows of rows. The AC regulations regulate many details of viticulture, whi. In addition to, training system, cut and grape varieties also includes the row spacing and planting density with 3,000 to 4,000 sticks per hectare.
In general, for all appellations of Vin Doux Naturel a year-round irrigation ban applies, with the exception of Muscat de Beaumes -de-Venise, where under certain conditions, after official approval irrigation is possible.
The yield is uniformly limited to 30 hectoliters per hectare, whereby the actual yield always has been lower. Only grapes of the approved grape varieties can be harvested by hand. These must be extremely ripe, usually shrunk like raisins and have at least 252 g of sugar per liter of must, corresponding to a potential alcohol content of 14.4% vol.
Learn more about Wine growing regions, Vinification, Grape varieties and Wine Styles of Vin Doux Naturel.